Monday, February 4, 2008

Making Pens

Today I am trying to buy a mandrel for my lathe so that I can make pens. Making pens is a new hobby of my dad's. And it has spread to me and all my siblings.
My mom and dad came to our house for a visit and dad casually asks if we want to see his pens. So we say," what pens? Sure we'd like to see." And he brings out this black case and opens it up and shows us some of the most amazing pens. They are so pretty and you can't help but pick one up and Dad proceeds to tell you all about the pen, what kind of wood it is made of and where the wood comes from and how he got a hold of the wood. And then he tells you how simple it is to make a pen and asks innocently,"Would you like to make a pen?" And of course you can't resist and you say,"Sure." So he pulls out his lathe and his drill press and helps you make a pen. By then you are hooked and asking how much it costs to buy a lathe, etc, etc. And the whole thing is is it's just fun. Like my dad says, he's not making them to sell them really, although he has sold a lot of them. He just wants more money to buy more parts to make more pens.
And it has been amazing for my dad's happiness. And my mom, too. Although she doesn't really make pens like my dad does, whenever he makes one and shows it to her if she likes it she takes it and keeps it. Then when he makes one similar that is better she takes that and gives him back the other one. So she like has her own little horde of pens. They are funny together.
So me and my sister Sandy each have a lathe and I think my brother is going to get one. And I guess it will be a family business. We will flood the world with cedar pens. I will have to tell you about the cedar later.

Have a great day!!! And happy pen making.



Shaylene said...

HaHa if grandma darlene has a horde she better start planning to take over the world!

Love u aunt vonnie,

Vonnie said...

That's right, Shaylene. The pen is mightier than the sword. But she has swords also. HAHA!!!LOL!!! What a woman!.

Love you, too.

Aunt Vonnie